Pollution of Water’s direct effect in Iraq on the Public Health & Safety


  • Ali Abdul Samea Hameed University of Baghdad, Baghdad Iraq




clean water, Pollution of water, Supply of water, sewer system


The devastating effects of pollution of Water are significant, affecting human life, animal life and vegetation at the same time. Recently, Iraq has experienced the effects of pollution of Water, destroying an abundance of plants and many animals.  Pollution of Water is one of the mostly deadly and severe problems facing humankind currently. This study analysed the effects of heavy metals Pb, like Cr, Zn and Fe in water for drinking. The findings revealed an upsurge in the number of cholesterol, urea, and white blood cells among people in Basra, Baghdad, and other urban areas. It was also found that these individuals were more likely to have fever, diarrhea, kidneys, and respiratory problems. Recent studies have revealed that pollution of Water in Iraq is caused by a variety of factors, i.e., solid pollutants, chemicals, and microorganisms. Unfortunately, due to the current state of war, there is not much concentration on water treatment plants (WTPs) resulting in a decrease in the quality of the supplied water. Due to the lack of wastewater treatment facilities in most Iraqi cities, sewage is simply discharged into the river. In addition, supply of water and sanitation systems in some major cities have been damaged and the two networks are jointly linked.


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